Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

We just wanted to wish all our family and friends a very Happy Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for each one of you, and are blessed to have such wonderful people in our lives.

Our Thanksgiving was a bit tiring, but good as well. In the morning, Jason had to work from 6:30 am to 3 pm. Thankfully it was busy with a wedding, so he wasn't completely bored. Taylor and I spent the morning playing and baking pumpkin pies. He took a very short nap in the morning, when he usually will sleep about 2 hours. We went for a walk a bit later to enjoy the warm sunshine and crunch through the remaining fall leaves. He had barely drifted off to sleep when we got back to the house, so i thought I'd just put him in his bed. Usually he has no problem falling asleep on his own, but today was a battle. Of course when I tried to make the transfer, he woke up. I thought he would put himself to sleep, but he wouldn't have it. I tried to let him cry it out, but he just got hysterical. So I resorted to feeding him early. The rest of the day he was a crab, and I couldn't even put him down to change him without him going haywire. We're thinking he's working on some teeth since he is drooling a lot and wanting to chew on something at all times. Well, with the craziness of the day, I was totally late getting ready for our family get together.

Dinner was to be at 5pm and my aunt and uncle's house, and we arrived around 5:15. Taylor had fallen asleep in the car, but it only lasted temporarily once the car stopped. I think with so many people, lots of noise, and being tired already, it was a rough night. Not the most social he has ever been. The first half of my dinner was consumed very rapidly, then I walked Taylor around to calm him down. The second half of my meal was eaten cold. I guess such is the life of a new mom. Not the most relaxed Thanksgiving meal ever.

It was good to be with family, though. Taylor got to meet his Great-Granddad for the first time. It was fun to watch my cousin go crazy over the USC vs ASU football game, as he is a freshman at USC this year. Jason got a few games of pool in with my uncle, one won and one lost. And Taylor had his few moments of calmness as he was passed around to all the open arms. Hopefully at Christmas he'll be a bit more rested and happily move from one person to another.

Once home, Taylor ate one last time, and has now crashed, hopefully for the night. I don't think he cares he missed his bath. He is just thankful for his bed right now. And I'm thankful that days like these are few and far between.

So what am I most thankful for this Thanksgiving? First, I'm thankful to the Lord for providing for us every day, even when unexpected things came up and we didn't know how we were going to get by. I'm thankful for our little Taylor, because he has brought such joy into our lives. I'm thankful for Jason, because he is the greatest dad, a wonderful husband, and my best friend. And I'm thankful for our home that, though not decorated to a tee, is so full of love and wonderful memories. We are so greatly blessed.